Saturday, October 5, 2013

Schooners on Eggemoggin Reach

Nearly the end of sailing season. There will be many perfect days between now and Thanksgiving, but mixed in will be days when it's blowing NW at 20/25/30 knots and everything's rocking in Center Harbor. On  the downeast coast, leaving a boat in the water past early October--especially in a relatively unprotected anchorage like C.H.---means some sleepless nights. So it's time to haul. Which will happen this week: Scout will be hauled at Sedgwick Town Landing, on the Benjamin River, and stored at Bill Grant's for the winter. But I hope to get a few more hours in; or at least one good sail from Center Harbor to the Benjamin River.
One of the delights of sailing in our part of the Maine coast is meeting the schooner fleet in their natural environment. These photos are from the last couple of afternoons I was out on the Reach, late September.
                                               Lewis R. French.. or  Grace Bailey?
Victory Chimes? Reaching, on the Reach
Heritage. Sailed on her.
Lewis R French
I think this is Victory Chimes
Deer Isle Bridge to the NW
Heritage, again.

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