Friday, September 20, 2013

Kate Northrop poem: "Night Drive"

                                                                          photo ©2013 Jarrod McCabe

Night Drive

Shoulderless mostly, old
This is the road
You should not be driving

Not at night, at zero
Or well below,
Bone-stark, so cold

Each turn appears
As a figure in a dream
Sure, demanding:

Look, fields are rising--
And they are, the bright
Snow-stripped fields,

Like a shroud
Or a female voice
You never loved me

And that’s true
Even the furthest homes
Close enough

To your home
Where often in the dark
Down in the kitchen

The beams of headlights
Moving through the room
Moved through you

                                          --Kate Northrop 
                                             Northrop's last collection was Clean

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