Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Blue Hill Mercedes Benz 320SE

I'm deep in writing my third novel...along with solo wrangling of the 7-year-old this week while BB is working in NYC. Something had to give, and it meant neglecting the blog this week. Apologies. The novel is set in Germany, mostly... Weimar Germany of the Twenties, Nazi Germany of the Thirties. Parts are also set in Ireland, on the Isle of Wight (England), London during WWI...and I'm hoping to write the chapter set in West Texas/Eastern New Mexico when I'm out there in September. Meanwhile my head's been in Germany--I'm re-reading le Carre's A Small Town in Germany, which has nothing to do with my period--it's set in Cold War-era Bonn--but it is the book that happened to come my way this week, and I'm enjoying it. Also enjoyed this handsome Benz coupe, in Blue Hill (Maine) this afternoon. Kind of a black-and-white day on the Maine coast, after a very blue couple of weeks.

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