Saturday, June 8, 2013

Travelling Light: My Brilliant Careerism, part xix

Thanks to Jarrod McCabe for the cover photo...

"A master at making action convey a character’s inner state" ...from a review of Travelling Light in today's Globe & Mail, Canada's national newspaper.

"Nothing can make time stand still. But careful attention to detail can act as a kind of antidote to time’s relentless and sometimes frenzied passage. Astute observers miss less of life and the world around them. If they write well, they can share that gift with the rest of us." from a review in today's  The Gazette (Montreal)

Travelling Light is a rich collection of short stories. The writer, Peter Behrens, often seems to have a Polaroid eye, using words to freeze scenes and allow the reader to immediately visualize what he is portraying." Toronto Star

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