Sunday, May 26, 2013

Gertrude Stein, Andrew Cross, and ALONG SOME AMERICAN HIGHWAYS

"Think of anything, of cowboys, of movies, of detective stories, of anybody who goes anywhere or stays at home and is an American and you will realize it is something strictly American to conceive a space that is filled with moving, a space of time that is filled, always filled, with moving."--Gertrude Stein

"Roads no longer merely lead to places; they are places. And as always they serve two important roles: as promoters of growth and dispersion, and as magnets around which new kinds of development can cluster. In a modern landscape no other space has been so versatile."--John Brinckerhoff Jackson

Both quotes found in Andrew Cross' book, Along Some American Highways,  a collection of the British photographer's cold-eyed images of our speedy, troubled landscape. You probably know about Stein..who was not always as articulate as she sounds above. Should you want to find out more about Jackson, founder of Landscape magazine, you might start with an Autoliterate post from last year. And should you want to buy Cross' book..I found my copy in The Hague last winter, but you can get it on Amazon. For 99 cents, last time I checked.

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