Friday, April 19, 2013

Blue Day, Downeast Maine

That springtime blue sky was a knockout when we drove up to our Peninsula a couple days back. Where does "Downeast" Maine start? That is a matter of dispute, but I would say that once you cross the Penobscot River (and the new Penobscot Narrows bridge is a striking, modern beauty) you are Downeast. From Bucksport to Eastport = Downeast.
Belfast isn't quite Downeast but it's an interesting town. Most of downtown is red brick from the 1880s-- and showing lots of life these days. There's a new boatyard in town--The Front Street Shipyard ; a wonderful independent bookstore--The Left Bank; and a great cafe, bakery and art gallery called Chase's Daily, an outstanding exception to the rule that restaurant art=bad art. Shows at Chase's are always carefully curated and intriguing. Paul Oberst is up right now.
     A couple miles up the road, in Searsort, this hardworking blue Chevrolet Custom Deluxe 20 caught our eye. There's one up on ebay.

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