Sunday, March 17, 2013

Wallace Stegner & Saskatchewan

 from our man in south Saskatchewan, Alex Emond, on St Patrick's Day:
"I want to be a meteorologist ... I want a job where I can completely blow it and still get paid. Sunny and warm, my ass. It was -20 (Canadian) with a freakin' blizzard threatened . I heard the storm warning so I packed up a day early and came back to Banff last night. It was snowing and blowing here this morning , so I made the right call...
"I drove over to Gravelbourg, which is about 45 minutes east of Ponteix, just north of Lafleche. It also has a huge Catholic Church as well as a Bishop's House ( now a B&B ) and a huge Convent . Here is a picture of the town library in this sumptuous building. I was blown away. The place was empty except for one teeny, tiny librarian, a girl who's eyes were like dewey decimals. Sorry .
"Here is a picture of Wallace Stegner's old house in Eastend, Sask. I went south at Maple Creek and on through Shaunavon , where this little farm truck, circa 1949ish  was parked . I have a couple more for you - stay tuned . Later , sir , and go easy on the green beer ! 

"It's sunny now and spectacular , dazzling  and barely below freezing . Here are some shots from Eastend, Sask. The Giaconda was leaning against a wall just up the street from (Wallace) Stegner's . Outsider Art ... all you gotta do is bring her inside . 
The blue truck with the hydraulic dumper on it is not original paint but is looking pretty good, parked there in that lake. The fire engine is from Lafleche, Sask., semi-retired, I think, with newer stuff inside the hall. The old Chevy , full of firewood , is in Hazenmore, pop.: 100, give or take.  Enjoy the day or as a leprechaun once told me ..."beannachtai na Feile Padraig oraibh !" -AE 

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