Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Hi-Lo Country

Took a drive through NE New Mexico, into the Texas Panhandle. Then from Dalhart TX back north through Cimarron County, Oklahoma. That whole region is the Hi-Lo country, which is stark and beautiful, and kind of wrecked from being farmed and ranched and irrigated. Must have been grassland at one time. It was the heart of the Dustbowl in the 1930s. I'll be posting some more about it over the next little while. A few images to start.
I stayed at the Eklund Hotel in Clayton NM. Great saloon.

First town in Texas on this trip  was...Texline. 
 I loved being back in Texas again. Light and dust and blue sky.
                                                                The road to Dalhart, Texas. 
Where they have a handsome movie theatre.

And I had a long talk with the bootmaker. Said the best thing to rub into leather was vegetable oil. More images from the Hi-Lo in another post. Also a truck I hope some AL subscriber will buy. Hell, I would have bought it if I didn't have 2 already. I was still tempted. Check here tomorrow.

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