Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mecedes Benz 230 TE

I'm in Germany, so I'd better do a Benz post. It is amusing to visit the Rest of the World and notice that M-B means more than the hyped-up luxury-brand image it fights to maintain in the US.  That is why those big Mercedes vans are sold to Fed Ex in the US as Freightliners, with not an M-B star in sight. People would think they were paying too much if Fed Ex delivered the goods in a Mercedes.
If you watch CNN you know that wherever refugees are in flight--Syria, Iraq, Africa--there are always a lot of Mercedes sedans in the dusty line-up. Usually diesels, and usually piled sadly high with family belongings.
I know in Lisbon, and certainly here in Frankfurt, pale yellow Mercedes are the standard issue taxicab. And Mercedes Benz is a huge presence in the big transport truck market here in Europe and in the R-o-t-W.
I've never owned a Benz but I'd like to one day: nothing fancy, maybe from the 80s, low-mileage, diesel, durable. Like this 230 TE wagon I saw along the Mainkai here in Frankfurt.

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