Tuesday, October 2, 2012

1953 International pickup & American landscapes

I'm in Colorado for a few weeks of teaching. Scale of everything is different here than in the Netherlands. Colorado is beautiful in October, with the cottonwoods flaming yellow, but the raging sprawl of American towns & cities against the front range of the Rockies is dispiriting, especially to an eye accustomed to the careful and respectful way the Dutch treat their country. North American landscape especially in the West is treated so carelessly: with what feels like almost hostile disregard. Our civilization treats our land quite brutally--like the land is an enemy.
            John Brinckerhoff Jackson had a keen, challenging eye for Western landscape. He's always worth reading.
            Old pickups abound. I've had my eye on this 1953--I'm guessing--International 3/4 ton.

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