Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Dutch 1964 El Camino

So far the coolest, barest Chevrolet I've seen in the Netherlands. Dutch people rarely deliver the American car aesthetic in such a satisfying way, it seems to me.  American cars & trucks over here are usually organized to send out a message of right-wing insouciance. It's the Harley-Davidson spirit. If you run any kind of big US car or truck in the Netherlands you're sending out a slightly archaic, don't tread on me, greying-braids-flapping-in-the-wind kinda vibe. Or that's how I'm reading it. Don't know how they sustain the rebel attitude with gas at $10 a gallon but that's the price of freedom, I guess.  Sure liked this cool, bare, slightly ratted El Camino, though. But i you're going to operate an El Camino in the Low Countries, you had better make sure all the drain holes are operational, or you'll end up with a duck pond back there.

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