Sunday, August 5, 2012

Eggemoggin Reach Regatta 2012

I was out yesterday aboard Here & Now, a wooden sloop built 2004 by Gannon & Benjamin of Vineyard Haven. We were sailing in the Eggemoggin Reach Regatta.  Zero breeze in the morning, so the start was delayed until noon. By mid-afternoon it was blowing 18 knots out in Jericho Bay. Here is "Spartan", a NY 50 built 1912-13 by Mr Herreshoff. 

There were a few schooners in the race. "Adventuress"
A William Fife design, recently restored & relaunched by Rockport Marine.

aboard Here & Now, Gannon & Benjamin, sloop 2004.
The fleet, heading up the Reach for Jericho Bay

1 comment:

  1. Ahem .... good sir ! Gannon & Benjamin are based on Martha's Vineyard ( VineyardHaven ) have been since day one .... and build all their boats there .


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