Monday, August 20, 2012

1960 Chevrolet Apache

from Michael S, Moore, on the road in southern Colorado:
             "Meanwhile, here in the increasingly hazy hinterlands of the southern Rockies, I espied a few curiosities on my own...first off his little collection of Fords 'n' Chevys (and maybe a fourdoor Dodge [?] on the trailer) by the railroad tracks in Walsenburg.
"The same outfit had this collection, in what seems more like running condition...
"A few miles west, at the foot of the nearly invisible Huajatollas [due to a persistent haze of dust from the drought on the plains] this '57 Fleetside and au natural 1928 Ford on a La Veta side street...
"The view from the alley revealed another treasure, a 1960 Apache under the shed...very like my first pickup; custom rims, but otherwise original...
"Off to New Mexico friday; maybe there'll be something worthy along the road."-MSM

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