Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Ford F100 thing

       People are passionate about F100s and I can see why. They are a hardy and good-looking truck. When I worked as landscaper in Banff in the early 1980s we used a beige 1968 F-100. It was a rugged machine that never let us down except for vapor-lock on a hot day. We would head off into the bush with the truck, following the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks, digging up small spruce trees from the CPR right-of-way that we would replant as hedges in town.
     "Railways" in Canada are "railroads" in the US.
      I saw this very basic 1982 F-150 on ebay: it's in Maryland, and it's the sort of truck I like: plain clean cheap.
     Then there's this 1969 F100 "Custom Cab" in Oregon that looks like a great truck.
      Saw this 1967 F100 "Custom Cab"  yesterday in Alpine TX: cleanest example of the genre I've see in in a while.

A great thing about the F100 & F150: there are a lot of parts out there. This lineup is in southern Saskatchewan. There's another, very similar, on the edge of our town in W. Texas.

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