Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Model A and the Barracuda

Autoliterate has been traveling through eastern Canada on The O'Briens book tour,  keeping an eye out for machines, and meeting extraordinary people. At Grande Pre, Nova Scotia (Evangeline country) there was the original, unrestored Mercury M-3 pickup. A couple of days later, Autoliterate met Geanna and Larry Walker at a dinner party in Sandy Cove, N.S., on the Digby Neck.

Larry is a lobsterman and after he mentioned owning a couple of old cars we ducked out of the party, jumped into his minivan, and headed up the road to his barn. Where he swung open the door,

and backed out this 1930 Ford Model A convertible cabriolet.

            Nova Scotia is full of surprises.
            Lobster season on the Digby Neck runs from the last Monday in November to the last day of May, which is why you see a lot of Larry's gear in these photos. The lobster boats around here

 are much bigger than the Maine inshore boats---they work way offshore, and through the winter, when conditions out on the Bay of Fundy are much rougher than in summertime.
            We sped down to the wharf at Sandy Cove harbor. Larry opened another shed, and

backed out this 1966 Plymouth Barracuda.

1 comment:

  1. thats my parents. I love seeing when dad pulls the cars out. Miss Daisy-The Model A car- still brings me back to when i was younger(i am 28) when dad first got the car. Mom and Dad, i love you

    Love Beth


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